
Here you can find the Guidelines of FluxBot. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Any uses related to FluxBot & its services implies the acceptance of these guidelines. A violation of these guidelines may result in a ban from the bot.

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1. Acceptance of the general conditions of use

Welcome to FluxBot! These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of FluxBot's Website and the Discord Bot.

By accessing this website/using FluxBot Discord Bot we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use FluxBot if you do not agree to take all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

2. To whom do these T&Cs apply?

These T&Cs apply to all users of the FluxBot website and the Discord Bot. By using the website and the Discord Bot, you agree to these T&Cs. If you do not agree to these T&Cs, you must not use the website or the Discord Bot.

3. Our users

These T&Cs must be accepted by any user wishing to access/use the site. the Discord bot. They constitute the contract between the site/bot and the user. Under no circumstances will FluxBot be held responsible if you do not respect these conditions. All users are invited to read these T&Cs carefully. In the event of non-compliance with these T&Cs, FluxBot reserves the right not to take no responsibility for user actions.

4. Commands

We are not responsible for content generated by API. FluxBot is in no way responsible for anything external to it. FluxBot offers you fun commands, but the content of this command will not be in no way taken under our responsibility. The people responsible for these orders are the developers of the API used.
⚠️ It is prohibited to abuse the various services offered by FluxBot. FluxBot reserves the right to prohibit access to its services to any user not respecting the conditions of use.

5. Bugs

Every user is invited to report any bugs encountered on the Discord Bot. If you find any errors/bugs, please report them to the support server. Your help is greatly appreciated and will help us improve the Discord Bot.
⚠️ Every bugs, major or minor, must be reported to the support server. If you find a bug and do not report it, you will be held responsible for the consequences.
⚠️ It is prohibited to exploit a bug. If you find a bug, report it to the support server. If you exploit a bug, you will be held responsible for the consequences.

6. Intellectual properties

The content of the website and the Discord Bot is the property of FluxBot. Any full or partial reproduction of the content is prohibited and may constitute an infringement.
⚠️ It is prohibited to copy the content of the website and the Discord Bot. Any full or partial reproduction of the content is prohibited and may constitute an infringement.

7. Assistance & Support

We offer support to all users of the Discord Bot. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
⚠️ It is prohibited to abuse the support service. If you abuse the support service, you will be held responsible for the consequences.

8. Downs & Maintenance

We reserve the right to shut down the Discord Bot at any time. We reserve the right to perform maintenance on the Discord Bot at any time.
⚠️ It is prohibited to abuse the various services offered by FluxBot. If you abuse the various services offered by FluxBot, you will be held responsible for the consequences.

9. Modification of the guidelines

The present guidelines are modifiable at any time by FluxBot's Team. The guidelines applicable to the customer are those in force on the day of his order. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

10. Deletion & Collection of data

You reserve the right to ask to delete your data at any time. We reserve the right to collect your data at any time.
⚠️ It is prohibited to abuse the various services offered by FluxBot. If you abuse the various services offered by FluxBot, you will be held responsible for the consequences.

11. Copyright

The content of the website and the Discord Bot with the pub inclueded is the property of FluxBot. Any full or partial reproduction of the content is prohibited and may constitute an infringement.
⚠️ It is prohibited to copy the content of the website and the Discord Bot. Any full or partial reproduction of the content is prohibited and may constitute an infringement.

12. Privacy Policy

12.1 You can ask to delete your data at any time.
12.2 Your data is hosted in a secure database, no one can access it, no one can modify it.
12.3 Your data is not shared with third parties.
12.4 No data is collected without your consent.
12.5 Your data is not sold.
12.6 Your data is not used for commercial purposes.

Last updated: 2024-04-30 at 22:34:36 UTC+1
Written by NoahPrm, Webmaster & Owner of FluxBot.